Inspired By Excellence & Innovation
Our literacy and numeracy scores rate at +-30 % higher than many of our peers in the province. Llandudno Primary is definitely providing its pupils with a sound education and equipping them well for the future, which is the basis for a good high school education and the potential for a successful tertiary education, boosting them to have successful careers.
Mission Statement
We are concerned with each child as an individual and we recognise and take into account the differences between individual children in our planning and dealings with them.
Our education nurtures the development of a healthy curiosity, the desire to accept a challenge, confidence in problem solving, self-discipline, respect for others, and community awareness and involvement. We create opportunities for each child to grow in understanding of himself or herself and the world around them, in an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding and love.
We strive for excellence in all facets of education, from academic to sport, culture and personal development.